Well, I’m back!
It’s taken me a few months, but I think I’ve finally washed the prison stink off of me. Time to put it all behind me and get back up on that My Pretty Pony and trot into the future.
I felt great, until Julio came storming in this morning. He was all raging at me. Thinks I used up all his special conditioner. I did, of course, but he had no cause to accuse me. No evidence whatsoever.
He was all like: Did you use up all my conditioner on your back hair?
And I was all: No. I bet it was Ramon.
And he was all like: It wasn’t Ramon. Ramon is bald, and I mean, all over. You should know that.
And I was like: Well, how would I know that? I’ve never seen Ramon without that black leather hood and matching chaps. You should know that.
And he was all like: I’ll tell you what I do know. That conditioner cost me $150/tube. Next time, ask first.
And I was all: Don’t look at me, girlfriend. It wasn’t me.
And he was like: And it was mostly full. How could you have possibly used the whole thing?
And I was like: Well, I didn’t realize it was conditioner. I mean…
And he was like: Busted, darling. You owe me.
But anyway, darlings, I need to earn some scratch, and I mean a lot of it, so I can somehow get my butt fixed. So I'm working up a pilot for the E network that I think should be able to make me the millions I may need. The prison guards were sadists and they set all the TVs to the Cartoon Network and then busted the remotes, so I've become well versed with the animated genres. Saw that catdog character and it set my mind a twirlin'. Anyone remember the cat dog?
Of course you do. Only, it's not quite edgy enough for today's youngsters. So, let me introduce you to my new and soon to be beloved character: Skank Ho. Oh, what hijinx will the two of them cook up, that is when they aren't cooking meth and dodging their pimp.